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Pages using the property "Supervisor"

Showing 19 pages using this property.

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Smart metering home applications +Josef Noll  +, Helge Godø  +
Smartphone supported Activity Level Estimation +Josef Noll  +, Zahid Iqbal  +, Dafferianto Trinugroho  +
Societal Security in the Digital Age +Josef Noll  +
Software Defined Networking for tactical communications +Knut Øvsthus  +, Josef Noll  +
Software defined networking using OpenFlow +Knut Øvsthus  +, Josef Noll  +
Solar Energy System for effective learning, teaching and job opportunities +Josef Noll  +
Spoof proof CSAC SMACC - a spoofing resilient GPS clock +Sverre Holm  +, Harald Hauglin  +
Study and analysis of robust transport layer protocols +Knut Øvsthus  +, Josef Noll  +


TV receiver registration to utilize unused frequencies +Josef Noll  +, Torleiv Maseng  +
The Freemium Model for Access - Internet Lite +Josef Noll  +
The effect of digitisation in the construction industry, applied to a specific case +Josef Noll  +, Lars Kristian Hunn  +
The human aspect in Smart grids (from Security and Privacy point of view) +Josef Noll  +, Christian Johansen  +
Trust and transitive trust measures +Josef Noll  +, Zahid Iqbal  +
Trusted Secure Service Design +Kjetil.Haslum  +, Steinar.Brede  +, Josef Noll  +,


UAV-Vessel Coordination Prototype Development and Test +Yan Zhang  +, Xifeng Wen  +, Josef Noll  +
UserDrivenNetwork +Josef Noll  +, Vidar.Sannerhaugen  +


Video over thin and varying pipes +Knut Øvsthus  +, Josef Noll  +
Virtual Sensor Integration +Sarfraz Alam  +, Josef Noll  +


Wireless control systems for home appliances to support the energy transition (6/7) +Josef Noll  +, György Kálmán  +
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