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|Title=Measurable Security for the Internet of Things
|Title=Measurable Security for the Internet of Things
|Abstract=The course provides a methodology for measurable security, privacy, and dependability of industrial systems. Based on e.g. a smart grid example we will establish and develop the methodology to perform a multi-metrics analysis from components to sub-systems to systems. The course will allow you to compare security-related application goals with the results from the system analysis.
|Abstract=The course provides a methodology for measurable security, privacy, and dependability of industrial systems. Based on e.g. a smart grid example we will establish and develop the methodology to perform a multi-metrics analysis from components to sub-systems to systems. The course will allow you to compare security-related application goals with the results from the system analysis.
|News=Lectures on Thursdays 0900-1200h, starting from 21Jan2016. The course is given at UNIK (Room 401), with video communication to Room Scheme@Ifi.UiO.no (1251)
|News=Lectures on Tuesdays 09:15-12:00  starting from . The course is given physical at ITS, meeting room 308
|Lecturer=Josef Noll, György Kálmán,
|Lecturer=Josef Noll
|Keywords=Security, Network Security, Sensor Security, Sensor networks,
|Keywords=Security, Network Security, Sensor Security, Sensor networks, Energy monitoring, Energy, Resillient Energy Networks,
|Objective=After completing the course you will be able to:
|Objective=After completing the course you will be able to:
* Describe application-driven security and establish challenges of sensor-driven systems
* Describe application-driven security and establish challenges of sensor-driven systems
* Provide industrial examples, e.g. Smart Grid and automatic meter readings
* Provide industrial examples, e.g. Smart Grid and automatic meter readings
* Have an overview of security features and continuous compliance in Amazon Web Services (cloud security)
* Establish application-driven security goals as well as the semantics of your system
* Establish application-driven security goals as well as the semantics of your system
* Generate matrices to describe the security impact of components and sub-systems, and perform a multi-metrics analysis to establish the system security
* Generate matrices to describe the security impact of components and sub-systems, and perform a multi-metrics analysis to establish the system security
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* This course is a Master course. Please visit [[UNIK9750]] for the PhD version of the course.
* The course takes place on Thursdays, 0900-1200h at UNIK. A video communication is available to Ifi, Room Scheme@Ifi.UiO.no (room 1251), see check: [[Video_conference]]
* We'll have video streaming: mms://lux.unik.no/401
* Evaluation is based on a presentation of topics and the implementation of your scenario.
=Topics =
The course has the following lectures
We will start with a 3h lecture on 16Jan2024 0915-1200h in a hybrid form: Gunnar Randers vei 19 (Bus from Ole Johan Dals hus (Ifi) leaves at 08:25, see https://www.mn.uio.no/its/om/finn-fram/busstider.html) and http://zoom.jnoll.net or https://uio.zoom.us/j/2313898139
* 21Jan - L1: Introduction ''G,J''
** Handouts [[Media:UNIK4750-L1-Introduction.pdf]]
** Lecture Notes [[Media:UNIK4750-L1-LectureNotes.pdf]]
** Podcast (Audio): [https://uio-my.sharepoint.com/personal/mehdin_uio_no/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=nuwum25I9%2b6atX%2fghO0J%2f6Gdw15qzj75%2bgJtx9HfOvU%3d&docid=0569689c695234fc7b6d8617f88d502cb&expiration=28.06.2016+18%3a45%3a47 Download lecture 1]
** Video Podcast: [mms://lux.unik.no/UNIK4750-GK/UNIK-20160121.wmv Lecture 1] NB! If you are using Mac and have problem playing the video please first disable your firewall!
* 28Jan - L2: Internet of Things ''J''
The first lecture will present some of the security challenges and the topics of the course, being the basis for a discussion on interests in measurable security (e.g. energy systems, home automation, autonomous operations,....)
** Video introduction: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfEbMV295Kk IBM introduction to IoT], [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaTIt1C5R-M TED talk of John Barrett]
** Handouts [[Media:UNIK4750-L2-Internet_of_Things.pdf]], [https://owncloud.unik.no/index.php/s/OPPqUcpbPn0VlyP Internet of Things Paper (.pdf)]
** Lecture Notes [[Media:UNIK4750-L2-LectureNotes.pdf]]
** Podcast (Audio - first 30 minutes): [https://uio-my.sharepoint.com/personal/mehdin_uio_no/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=Z%2fWMGlJONTM7rbiNV2WYaUCh7Q17Ctr9A26WLH6XiN8%3d&docid=0310118f1c8a141e7a651853fa42a7e58&expiration=28.06.2016+18%3a48%3a32 Download lecture 2]
** Video Podcast: [mms://lux.unik.no/UNIK4750-GK/UNIK-20160128.wmv Lecture 2]
* 4Feb - L3: Security in IoT ''G'' - Paper selection
During the first lecture we'll also discuss during the first day the set-up of the course.
** '''[[UNIK4750/List of papers]]''', [[Search_for_literature|Guide on how to search for Literature]]
** Handouts [[Media:UNIK4750-L3-Security_IoT.pdf]] [[Media:Devcon_conference_2015_Security.pdf|Devon conference paper (.pdf)]]
** ''no lecture notes''
** Video Podcast: [mms://lux.unik.no/UNIK4750-GK/UNIK-20160204.wmv mms://lux.unik.no/UNIK4750-GK/UNIK-20160204.wmv]
* 11Feb - L4: Smart Grid, Automatic Meter Readings (AMR) ''G''
== Timeline v24 ==
** Handouts [[Media:UNIK4750-L4-Automatic_Meter_Readings.pdf]]
Zoom: http://zoom.jnoll.net  or https://uio.zoom.us/j/2313898139 
** Video Podcast: [mms://lux.unik.no/UNIK4750-GK/UNIK-20160211.wmv mms://lux.unik.no/UNIK4750-GK/UNIK-20160211.wmv]
* 18Feb - L5: Service implications on functional requirements ''G,(J)''
Contact and info
** Handouts [[Media:UNIK4750-L5-Service_Implications.pdf]]
* http://Canvas.uio.no or the http://its-wiki.no/wiki/TEK5530
** Podcast (Audio): [https://uio-my.sharepoint.com/personal/mehdin_uio_no/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=v2K9iEQDddVFbKV9sQmWb8b6PSrY6mpsc6RU%2brY1yzk%3d&docid=0110eb3eb05834350b07b58675af50153 Download lecture 5]
** Video Podcast:  [mms://lux.unik.no/UNIK4750-GK/UNIK-20160218.wmv mms://lux.unik.no/UNIK4750-GK/UNIK-20160218.wmv] <!--- Obs! The link is not active yet, please contact '''<code>studieinfo@unik.no</code>'''. --> Unfortunately due to technical problems the first half of the lecture is not recorded but you can use [https://uio-my.sharepoint.com/personal/mehdin_uio_no/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=v2K9iEQDddVFbKV9sQmWb8b6PSrY6mpsc6RU%2brY1yzk%3d&docid=0110eb3eb05834350b07b58675af50153 this link] to download an audio file which covers the whole lecture.
<!-- ** Video Podcast: [mms://lux.unik.no/UNIK4750-GK/UNIK-20160218.wmv mms://lux.unik.no/UNIK4750-GK/UNIK-20160218.wmv] Obs! The link is not active yet, please contact '''<code>studieinfo@unik.no</code>''' -->
* 25Feb - vinterferie
* 3Mar - L6: Technology mapping ''G,(J)''
'''Note: Please remind us to take Zoom video recording.''' <br/>
** Handouts [[Media:UNIK4750-L6-Technology_mapping.pdf]],
** Video Podcast: [mms://lux.unik.no/UNIK4750-GK/UNIK-20160303.wmv mms://lux.unik.no/UNIK4750-GK/UNIK-20160303.wmv]
''Upload: https://kursopplasting.uio.no/?emne=TEK5530&semesterId=24v&terminNr=2''' --->
** Paper: [http://www2.emersonprocess.com/siteadmincenter/PM%20Articles/InTech_MayJune2014_TopTenDiff.pdf 10 differences between ICS and IT systems]
<!--- Video recording will be available at https://www.uio.no/studier/emner/matnat/its/TEK5530/v23/forelesningsvideoer/ --->
** Paper: [https://www.odva.org/Portals/0/Library/Conference/2015_ODVA_Conference_Woods_Practical-applications-of-Lightweight-Block%20Ciphers-FINAL-PPT.pdf Practical applications of Lightweight Block Ciphers to Secure EtherNet/IP Networks]
** Video Podcast: [mms://lux.unik.no/UNIK4750-GK/UNIK-20160303.wmv mms://lux.unik.no/UNIK4750-GK/UNIK-20160303.wmv]
* 10Mar - L7: [[UNIK4750 Paper analysis]] with 15-20 min presentation, [[UNIK4750/List_of_papers#Evaluation_criteria|evaluation criteria]]
== L1-L3 ==
* 17Mar - L8: Security Semantics ''J''
<!--- {{Large|TEK5530 is performed as project work in spring 2023}} --->
** Handouts [[Media:UNIK4750-L8-Security_Semantics.pdf]]
* 16Jan L1 Intro, topics, organization (Josef) [[Media:TEK5530-L1_v24.pdf]]
** Lecture Notes [[Media:UNIK4750-L8-LectureNotes.pdf]]
** Industrial tools for security assessment, see https://expertinsights.com/insights/the-top-10-iot-securitytools/
** Video Podcast: mms://lux.unik.no/UNIK4750-GK/UNIK-20160317.wmv
* 23Jan L2 Internet of Things [[Media:TEK5530-L2_v24.pdf]]
** IoT security functionality: https://its-wiki.no/wiki/IoTSec:Smart_Meter_Connectivity
** Master/PhD AI assessment of Exposure & Impact IoT automation infrastructure (language processing)
* 24Mar - Easter Holidays
* 30Jan L3 Security in the Internet of Things [[Media:TEK5530-L3_v24.pdf]]
** Paper selection from [[TEK5530/List_of_papers]]
** Theme: "Measurable Security for the Internet of Things"
** Discussion on Group Work
** select a paper and send info on "which paper" to Josef
* 31Mar - L9: Logical binding - industrial example ''J, Guest lecturer: [[Mushfiq_Chowdhury | Mushfiq Chowdhury]]''
== L4-L6 ==
<!--- <span style="color:#ff0000">'''NB! Lecture will be held at room 308. IP for streaming is : </span> --->
** [[Media:UNIK4750-L9-handouts.pdf]] - Handouts
** [[Media:20160331-L9-Lecture_notes.pdf]] Lecture notes
** Video Podcast: mms://lux.unik.no/UNIK4750-GK/UNIK-20160331.wmv
** [[Media:2016031-Project-Ideas.pdf]] - <span style="color:#ff0000">'''Information on your Project'''</span>
* 7Apr - L10: Multi-Metrics Method for measurable Security ''J''
* 6Feb2024 L4 Security Semantics [[Media:TEK5530-L4-SecuritySemantics_h24.pdf]]
** last slides from Security Semantics[[Media:UNIK4750-L8-Security_Semantics.pdf]]
** group work ideas
** Handouts L10 [[Media:UNIK4750-L10-Multi-Metrics.pdf]], Paper describing the approach: [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Josef_Noll/publication/276839651_Multi-Metrics_Approach_for_Security_Privacy_and_Dependability_in_Embedded_Systems/links/55c48f4608aebc967df2c8b6.pdf Multi Metrics Approach for Embedded Systems (.pdf on Research Gate)]
** [[Media:20160407-L10-Lecture_notes.pdf]] Lecture notes
** Video Podcast: mms://lux.unik.no/UNIK4750-GK/UNIK-20160407.wmv
* 14Apr - L11: Multi-Metrics Weighting of an AMR sub-system ''J''
* 13Feb2024 L5 Paper presentations, see [[TEK5530/List of papers]] & Intro Multi-Metrics Method [[Media:TEK5530-L6_MultiMetrics_h24.pdf]]
* 21Apr - L12: System Security and Privacy analysis ''J''
* 28Apr - L13: Phenomena "intrusion-detection" - ''G''
* 5May - Kristi Himmelfart - fridag
* 12May - L14: Real world examples - IoTSec infrastructure ''J''
* 19May - L15: Real world IoT service evaluation ''group work'' ''J''
* 26May - ''time for exam preparation (no lecture)''
* 2Jun - Exam  ''G,J''
== Introduction into Internet of Things (IoT) ==
This first part will provide the introduction into the Internet of Things (''Lecture 1 - L2''), with industrial examples
* 20Feb2024 L6 Group work ideas Please prepare the scenario description for your home scenario, with
: a) a description of applications in the home (e.g. web browsing, home control, office applications, communications, ...), and
: b) establish the security and privacy (s,p) requirements for your application
== L7-L9 ==
[[File:TEK5530_security_checklist.png|300px|right|thumb|''Security processes and assessment criteria'']]
* 27Feb2024 L7 Paper presentation (remaining papers) and "Walk through" Multi-Metrics, [[Media:TEK5530-L7_WalkThrough_h24.pdf]] & remaining slides [[Media:TEK5530-L6_MultiMetrics_h24.pdf]]
* 5Mar2024 L8 Impact/Exposure Risk Matrix assessment [[Media:TEK5530-L8_Impact-Exposure-Risk_h24update.pdf]] '''updated 19Mar2024'''
:: read more about the security classification model at the PhD of [[Manish_Shrestha]], or register at  https://light-sc.tech to gain access
* 12Mar2024 L9 Applicability of Impact/Exposure Risk Matrix and Multi-Metrics [[Media:TEK5530-L9_Applicability_h24.pdf]]
== L10-L15 ==
* 19Mar2024 L10 Key exchange and authentication in mobile systems (GSM, UMTS) - [[Media:TEK5530-L10-MobileSecurity_h24.pdf]]
** [[Media:TEK5530-Gruppearbeid-ideer.pdf]] Ideer om gruppearbeid, fokus på sikkerhetsarkitetur i strømkontrolle hos en kommune
** relatert til L8 (protection) og L10 slide 34 "assume zero-security infrastructure"
* 26Mar2024 - Påskeferie
* 2Apr2024 L11 Zero-trust architecture
* 9apr2024 L12 Gruppearbeid - (ingen forelesning)
* 16apr2024 L13
* 23Apr2024 L14 (conflict for Josef?)
* 30Apr2024 L15 Presentation of group work
* 7May2024 L15 Rehearsel and questions to course
== Papers & Group work ==
* '''[[TEK5530/List of papers|TEK5530 - List of papers]]''', [[Search_for_literature|Guide on how to search for Literature]]
* '''[[TEK5530/Group_work|TEK5530 - Ideas for group work]]''' including own assessment
== Exam 2024 ==
'''Exam on  Tir 21May2024  will be performed as an oral exam,
Please '''use frameadate https://framadate.org/TEK5530-exam to select your time slot ''' (tbc)
As discussed, the exam will consist of 3 parts:
* Part 1: Present your group-work (8 min) - ''assessment of Security Classes for IoT'' or ''Applying Multi-metrics Method'' or ''risk assessment of 5G maritime communications" to be delivered latest by xxx
* Part 2: Questions to group work (7 min)
* Part 3: Random questions from the lectures (10 min). '''[[TEK5530/List_of_Questions]]''' (''you will pick 3-5 questions'')
[[Media:Sensorveiledning_Assessor_Guidance_TEK5530.pdf|Sensorveiledning - Assessor Guidance - TEK5530 (.pdf)]]
=Course info and lectures in previous years  =
* [[TEK5530_Lectures_in_earlier_years]]
Course info
* This course is a combined masters and Phd course (UNIK9750), in 2018 all the lectures will be presented by Gyorgy Kalman.
* The course takes place on Thursdays, 0900-1600ish at ITS (UNIK) in Kjeller. This year double lectures will be given, so that we are using the day efficiently, and everybody is requested to take the tour to Kjeller. Video conferencing is available. Double lectures allows us to have the exam early in the semester so that the students can focus on their other duties in the exam period. A recording of all lectures will be provided and in addition personal follow-up is offered for students, who cannot attend some of the lectures.
* We'll have video streaming: mms://lux.unik.no/401
* Evaluation is based on a presentation of topics and the implementation of your scenario.
* Group work
Please see the description from 2016: '''[[UNIK4750 Group Work|TEK5530 presentation of your Group Work - (suggestions and criteria)]]'''
I recommend you to form 4 (3-5) person groups. I'm open for any suggestion in selecting the IT infrastructure you would like to analyse. There are not that many groups this year, so you are allowed to use longer time for your presentation.
* Smart home, home automation
* Implications of GDPR on a specific IoT system
* GDPR on medical IoT
* smart car, vehicle-to-vehicle communication, autopilot
* train control from timetables on tablet to predicting power consumption to order power supply for next month
* ship control, from predictive maintenance to offering cloud storage for pictures taken on the cruise
and so on.
A good delivery from 2018: [[Media:good_example_group_work.pdf]]
It should be composed from several "traditional" IT systems interconnected with some communication solution with one end being quite far from the other one. This is to enable you to decompose it to systems of systems relatively easily. Again, no single right answer, I would like to see your way of thinking.
= Introduction into Internet of Things (IoT) =
This first part will provide the introduction into the Internet of Things (''Lecture 1 - 2''), with industrial examples
* Smart Grid and automatic meter system (AMS)
* Smart Grid and automatic meter system (AMS)
* Smart Homes with sensors
* Smart Homes with sensors
* Wireless System upgrade of cars
* Autonomous cars
* Cloud technologies
The part will further address potential security threats (''L3''), here given for the future smart grid.  
The part will further address potential security threats (''L3''), through the example of the smart grid. The challenges related to attack surface, legal aspects and relation to office IT security will be presented.  
When the future Smart Grid consists of Prosumers (''Consumers, who might also be Producers'') with different energy sources, the grid will become more unstable. We will use an example of an automatic meter reading (AMR) and -system (AMS) in ''L4'' to address the security and privacy challenges.
The distributed nature of the future (smart) electric grid has its operational, financial, technological and social aspects. In the course we will try to cover all the aspects, with focus on the technological - more precisely: on the communication and security challenges. We expect from the operational viewpont the grid to get more unstable if no compensatory action is done to be the counterweight of renewables and consumers becoming dual role consumer/producers. We will use an example of an automatic meter reading (AMR) and -system (AMS) in ''L4'' to address the security and privacy challenges.
The final part of this first block is addressed through lectures ''L5'' and ''L6'', and will create the mapping from functional requirements towards mapping into technology. Examples of such mapping are the translation of privacy requirements - ''can somebody see from my meter reading if I'm at home'' - towards technology parameters like ''how often are values read and published''.  
The final part of this first block is addressed through lectures ''L5'' and ''L6'', and will create the mapping from functional requirements towards mapping into technology. Examples of such mapping are the translation of privacy requirements - ''can somebody see from my meter reading if I'm at home'' - towards technology parameters like ''how often are values read and published''.  
Line 112: Line 161:
* Establish system description examples of systems,
* Establish system description examples of systems,
* Describing Security and Security Functionality in a semantic way
* Describing Security and Security Functionality in a semantic way
[[File:IoT_Security_and_Privacy_Functionality.png|900px|Security, privacy and dependability functionality (Orig:Owncloud)]]<br/>
see all [[IoTSec:Security_and_Privacy_Functionality|SPF.IoTSec.no]]
== Application-driven security goals ==
== Application-driven security goals ==
Line 124: Line 181:
* Analyze application goal versus system security and suggest improvements
* Analyze application goal versus system security and suggest improvements
= Lecture overview with keywords =
''this section is automatically filled in based on the information on this MediaWiki'' <br/>
{{#ask: [[Category:UNIK4750]][[Date::+]]
| ?Date
| ?Keywords
| sort=Date
| order=desc
| format=ul

Revision as of 11:03, 19 March 2024

TEK5530 - Measurable Security for the Internet of Things

News Lectures on Tuesdays 09:15-12:00 starting from . The course is given physical at ITS, meeting room 308
Organisation UiO
by Josef Noll

Abstract The course provides a methodology for measurable security, privacy, and dependability of industrial systems. Based on e.g. a smart grid example we will establish and develop the methodology to perform a multi-metrics analysis from components to sub-systems to systems. The course will allow you to compare security-related application goals with the results from the system analysis.
Objective (max 350 words) After completing the course you will be able to:
  • Describe application-driven security and establish challenges of sensor-driven systems
  • Provide industrial examples, e.g. Smart Grid and automatic meter readings
  • Have an overview of security features and continuous compliance in Amazon Web Services (cloud security)
  • Establish application-driven security goals as well as the semantics of your system
  • Generate matrices to describe the security impact of components and sub-systems, and perform a multi-metrics analysis to establish the system security
  • Analyse application goal versus system security and suggest improvements
Keywords Security, Network Security, Sensor Security, Sensor networks, Energy monitoring, Energy, Resillient Energy Networks
Research Area(s) Security
Type of course Master

Upload TEK5530.png to see a course picture instead of the banner picture. Edit the page by Special:FormEdit/Course/TEK5530.

To add new lectures, use: Add a lecture


We will start with a 3h lecture on 16Jan2024 0915-1200h in a hybrid form: Gunnar Randers vei 19 (Bus from Ole Johan Dals hus (Ifi) leaves at 08:25, see https://www.mn.uio.no/its/om/finn-fram/busstider.html) and http://zoom.jnoll.net or https://uio.zoom.us/j/2313898139

The first lecture will present some of the security challenges and the topics of the course, being the basis for a discussion on interests in measurable security (e.g. energy systems, home automation, autonomous operations,....)

During the first lecture we'll also discuss during the first day the set-up of the course.

Timeline v24

Zoom: http://zoom.jnoll.net or https://uio.zoom.us/j/2313898139

Contact and info

Note: Please remind us to take Zoom video recording.


  • 30Jan L3 Security in the Internet of Things Media:TEK5530-L3_v24.pdf
    • Paper selection from TEK5530/List_of_papers
    • Theme: "Measurable Security for the Internet of Things"
    • Discussion on Group Work
    • select a paper and send info on "which paper" to Josef


  • 20Feb2024 L6 Group work ideas Please prepare the scenario description for your home scenario, with
a) a description of applications in the home (e.g. web browsing, home control, office applications, communications, ...), and
b) establish the security and privacy (s,p) requirements for your application


Security processes and assessment criteria
read more about the security classification model at the PhD of Manish_Shrestha, or register at https://light-sc.tech to gain access


  • 26Mar2024 - Påskeferie
  • 2Apr2024 L11 Zero-trust architecture
  • 9apr2024 L12 Gruppearbeid - (ingen forelesning)
  • 16apr2024 L13
  • 23Apr2024 L14 (conflict for Josef?)
  • 30Apr2024 L15 Presentation of group work
  • 7May2024 L15 Rehearsel and questions to course

Papers & Group work

Exam 2024

Exam on Tir 21May2024 will be performed as an oral exam, Please use frameadate https://framadate.org/TEK5530-exam to select your time slot (tbc)

As discussed, the exam will consist of 3 parts:

  • Part 1: Present your group-work (8 min) - assessment of Security Classes for IoT or Applying Multi-metrics Method or risk assessment of 5G maritime communications" to be delivered latest by xxx
  • Part 2: Questions to group work (7 min)
  • Part 3: Random questions from the lectures (10 min). TEK5530/List_of_Questions (you will pick 3-5 questions)

Sensorveiledning - Assessor Guidance - TEK5530 (.pdf)

Course info and lectures in previous years

Course info

  • This course is a combined masters and Phd course (UNIK9750), in 2018 all the lectures will be presented by Gyorgy Kalman.
  • The course takes place on Thursdays, 0900-1600ish at ITS (UNIK) in Kjeller. This year double lectures will be given, so that we are using the day efficiently, and everybody is requested to take the tour to Kjeller. Video conferencing is available. Double lectures allows us to have the exam early in the semester so that the students can focus on their other duties in the exam period. A recording of all lectures will be provided and in addition personal follow-up is offered for students, who cannot attend some of the lectures.
  • We'll have video streaming: mms://lux.unik.no/401
  • Evaluation is based on a presentation of topics and the implementation of your scenario.

  • Group work

Please see the description from 2016: TEK5530 presentation of your Group Work - (suggestions and criteria) I recommend you to form 4 (3-5) person groups. I'm open for any suggestion in selecting the IT infrastructure you would like to analyse. There are not that many groups this year, so you are allowed to use longer time for your presentation.


  • AMS
  • Smart home, home automation
  • Implications of GDPR on a specific IoT system
  • GDPR on medical IoT
  • smart car, vehicle-to-vehicle communication, autopilot
  • train control from timetables on tablet to predicting power consumption to order power supply for next month
  • ship control, from predictive maintenance to offering cloud storage for pictures taken on the cruise

and so on. A good delivery from 2018: Media:good_example_group_work.pdf

It should be composed from several "traditional" IT systems interconnected with some communication solution with one end being quite far from the other one. This is to enable you to decompose it to systems of systems relatively easily. Again, no single right answer, I would like to see your way of thinking.

Introduction into Internet of Things (IoT)

This first part will provide the introduction into the Internet of Things (Lecture 1 - 2), with industrial examples

  • Smart Grid and automatic meter system (AMS)
  • Smart Homes with sensors
  • Autonomous cars
  • Cloud technologies

The part will further address potential security threats (L3), through the example of the smart grid. The challenges related to attack surface, legal aspects and relation to office IT security will be presented.

SmartGrid future.png

The distributed nature of the future (smart) electric grid has its operational, financial, technological and social aspects. In the course we will try to cover all the aspects, with focus on the technological - more precisely: on the communication and security challenges. We expect from the operational viewpont the grid to get more unstable if no compensatory action is done to be the counterweight of renewables and consumers becoming dual role consumer/producers. We will use an example of an automatic meter reading (AMR) and -system (AMS) in L4 to address the security and privacy challenges.

The final part of this first block is addressed through lectures L5 and L6, and will create the mapping from functional requirements towards mapping into technology. Examples of such mapping are the translation of privacy requirements - can somebody see from my meter reading if I'm at home - towards technology parameters like how often are values read and published.

Machine-readable Descriptions

The next block deals with the machine-readable description of security and privacy, security functionality and system of systems through ontologies.

  • Establish system description examples of systems,
  • Describing Security and Security Functionality in a semantic way

Security, privacy and dependability functionality (Orig:Owncloud)

Operations Security.png

Dev Maint Audit Security.png

see all SPF.IoTSec.no

Application-driven security goals

This block will develop the security goals resulting from applications.

  • From industrial examples, establish the functional requirements. Example: switch-off time of power circuits less than 10 ms
  • From the functional requirements, select the security and privacy relations
  • Establish application-driven security goals as well as the semantics of your system

Perform Multi-Metrics Analysis

This last block will analyse industrial examples based on the multi-metrics analysis.

  • Generate matrices to describe the security impact of components and sub-systems, and perform a multi-metrics analysis to establish the system security
  • Analyze application goal versus system security and suggest improvements