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Security in IoT for Smart Grids
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Project: IoTSec
Security in IoT for Smart Grids
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Project leader Josef Noll
Project Participants Josef Noll, Olaf Owe, Heidi Tuiskula, Habtamu Abie, Einar Snekkenes, Dieter Hirdes, Davide Roverso, Erik Åsberg, Seraj Fayyad, Knut Johansen, Svetlana Boudko, Vidar Kristoffersen, Otto Andreas Rustand, Bjarne Tarjei Haugen, Iñaki Garitano, Yan Zhang, Stian Løvold, Cristian Johansen, Jayaprakash Rajasekharan, Håkon Duus, David Aleksandersen, Ole Gabrielsen, Dang Ha The Hien, Stein Gjessing, Sigurd Eskeland, Åsmund Skomedal, Ming-Chang (Leo) Lee, Adam Szekeres, Linn Eirin Paulsen, Kim Jonatan Wessel Bjørneset, Kaniz Fatema Tuly, Ivar Rummelhoff, Rachael McCallum, Christian Resell, Hans Jørgen Furre Nygårdshaug, Paal Engelstad, Toktam Ramezanifarkhani, Bernt A. Bremdal, Manish Shrestha, Elahe Fazeldehkordi, Peder Aursand, Konstantin Lenchik, Øivind Berg
Start Date 2015/10/01
End Date 2020/09/30
Supported by NFR
Objective The vision of IoTSec - Security in IoT for Smart Grids is to promote the development of a safe and secure Internet-of-Things (IoT)-enabled smart power grid infrastructure. IoTSec addresses the basic needs for a reliable and efficient, uninterrupted power network with dynamic configuration and security properties. It addresses in addition the needs of businesses and end users of additional IoT services by exploring use cases for value-added services with the intent to design the building blocks for future services that consider the necessary security and privacy preconditions of successfully deployed large-scale services. IoTSec will apply the research in the envisaged Security Centre for Smart Grids, co-located with the Norwegian Centre of Excellence (NCE Smart).
Research Domain Internet - IoPTS
Keywords IoT, Provable security, Cyber Security, Smart grid, AMS, Smart Grid

Factpage of Project IoTSec

Equipment used in project: IoTSec:IoTSec/Equipment

Members from associated organisations: Issa Traore, Andrea Fiaschetti, Linda Firveld, Jan Pedro Tumusok, Miguel Lagares, Juan Miguel Gomez, Ketil Johansen, Lovinda Ødegården, Grete Coldevin, György Kálmán, Atle Årnes, Hanne Brostrøm, Finn Myrstad Geir Arne Rimala, Siv Hilde Houmb

IoTSec has a total budget of 32 MNOK, with a support from the Norwegian Research Council of 25 MNOK

Open Action Items


IoTSec related Meeting(s):

Facts about "IoTSec"RDF feed
Due date30 September 2020 +
KeywordsIoT +, Provable security +, Cyber Security +, Smart grid +, AMS + and Smart Grid +
ObjectiveThe vision of IoTSec - Security in IoT forThe vision of IoTSec - Security in IoT for Smart Grids is to promote the development of a safe and secure Internet-of-Things (IoT)-enabled smart power grid infrastructure. IoTSec addresses the basic needs for a reliable and efficient, uninterrupted power network with dynamic configuration and security properties. It addresses in addition the needs of businesses and end users of additional IoT services by exploring use cases for value-added services with the intent to design the building blocks for future services that consider the necessary security and privacy preconditions of successfully deployed large-scale services. IoTSec will apply the research in the envisaged Security Centre for Smart Grids, co-located with the Norwegian Centre of Excellence (NCE Smart).orwegian Centre of Excellence (NCE Smart). +
PartnerNFR +
ProjectIoTSec +
Project ParticipantJosef Noll +, Olaf Owe +, Heidi Tuiskula +, Habtamu Abie +, Einar Snekkenes +, Dieter Hirdes +, Davide Roverso +, Erik Åsberg +, Seraj Fayyad +, Knut Johansen +, Svetlana Boudko +, Vidar Kristoffersen +, Otto Andreas Rustand +, Bjarne Tarjei Haugen +, Iñaki Garitano +, Yan Zhang +, Stian Løvold +, Cristian Johansen +, Jayaprakash Rajasekharan +, Håkon Duus +, David Aleksandersen +, Ole Gabrielsen +, Dang Ha The Hien +, Stein Gjessing +, Sigurd Eskeland +, Åsmund Skomedal +, Ming-Chang (Leo) Lee +, Adam Szekeres +, Linn Eirin Paulsen +, Kim Jonatan Wessel Bjørneset +, Kaniz Fatema Tuly +, Ivar Rummelhoff +, Rachael McCallum +, Christian Resell +, Hans Jørgen Furre Nygårdshaug +, Paal Engelstad +, Toktam Ramezanifarkhani +, Bernt A. Bremdal +, Manish Shrestha +, Elahe Fazeldehkordi +, Peder Aursand +, Konstantin Lenchik +, Øivind Berg +, Issa Traore +, Andrea Fiaschetti +, Linda Firveld +, Jan Pedro Tumusok +, Miguel Lagares +, Juan Miguel Gomez +, Ketil Johansen +, Lovinda Ødegården +, Grete Coldevin +, György Kálmán +, Atle Årnes +, Hanne Brostrøm +, Finn Myrstad +, Geir Arne Rimala + and Siv Hilde Houmb +
Project leaderJosef Noll +
Research DomainInternet - IoPTS +
StartDate1 October 2015 +
TitleSecurity in IoT for Smart Grids +
Web +