Digitalisering VGS

Revision as of 21:12, 8 March 2021 by Josef.Noll (Talk | contribs)

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Project: Digitalisering_VGS
Project leader Josef Noll
Project Participants Josef Noll, Margrethe Tschudi, Erlend Nilssen Sverdrup, Sigrun Elisabeth Vaage, Ramyar Baban, Turid Melheim, Yngvild Elise Breivik, Margrethe Tschudi, Geir Paul Hansen, Wisam Ahmed Mansour, Inger Vagle
Start Date 2021/03/01
End Date 2022/05/31
Supported by Own
Objective Målet med samarbeid mellom Ullern VGS, OsloMet, UiO og Stiftelsen [http:/ Basic Internet] er å
  • bringe konkrete konsepter til elever i VG1 og VG2
  • knytte forskjellige fagområder sammen gjennom tverrgående prosjekter
  • etabler noe konkret, ved å sørge for at skoler i utviklingsland kan være med i den digital verden
  • bidra til tverkulturell forståelse
Research Domain Internet - IoPTS, eHealth
Keywords School Connectivity, VGS

Factpage of Project Digitalisering_VGS

Equipment used in project: Digitalisering VGS/Equipment

Practical assignments

Assignments for Youth (age 13-15)/VG 1, addressing the Norwegian plan for cross-sectoral topics:

  • Freemium (free & premium) model: free access to information, paid access to broadband. Can we use examples from road networks, where pedestrians and cyclists can use the road without having to pay? - Convenient: measure how much data is used by streaming video
  • Radio: line-of-sight versus obstacles on the road
  • 'Coverage and range:' run around and measure Wifi and / or mobile coverage. Need an Android tablet / phone with Network Cell Info Lite, see: DigI: Establish_InfoSpot
  • the advantage of Raspberry Pi (RPI) as a "school server" versus 3G network. Test by 5-6 students downloading video via a bad 3G / 4G network, versus downloading video locally from RPI.
  • connect cables to establish Wifi network
  • 'Energy and information:' how much energy does the whole equipment use? How big must the solar cell and battery be to last all night, 1.5 days, ...

Assignments for Youth (age 16-19)/VG 2 electrical engineering and e-commerce: (goals for teaching in Norway)
VG 2 data technology and electronics:

Open Action Items


Digitalisering VGS related Meeting(s):