BB23.L Routing and scheduling in real-time WSN


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Title Routing and scheduling algorithms based in real-time WSN data
Page Title BB23.L Routing and scheduling in real-time WSN
Technology Line Security & Safety
Lead partner Tecnalia
Leader Jason Mansell
Contributors Tecnalia, Acciona
Related to Use Cases SCOTT:WP17
Description Routing and scheduling algorithms, ensuring domain specific constraints (e.g. stock management, planning, profiles) while applies a multi-criteria optimization (e.g. resource performance, ambient impact, safety, energy efficency, waiting/travel times, conditions, etc). This planification can be run off-line, based on the current situation and historical information, but also refresh in real-time, based on adquired information (e.g. transport incidences, delays or dynamic demand). Specifically, from the safety perspective, two lines will be consider:
  • Geo-fencing and identification of risk situations: collision/run-over risk based on the monitoring of moving elements, work spaces and human movements.
  • Safe freight: Specific displacement constraints, in terms of maximum speed, scales to perform during the route, vehicle type/loading, avoiding risk itineraries, etc.
Main output Optimal allocation of elements (goods and operators) to transport and storage resources.

Suggestions of additional resources, changes on timetables, frequency or route/itinerary

BB category Tool or tool chain
Baseline Multi-modal journey planner, capable of manage multiple criteria in order to cut and sort the individual different optional transport modes and routes (e.g. travel time, distance, cost, energy efficiency and any combination) with timing restrictions and real-time traffic estimation. In the context of SCOTT, we propose the following improvement beyond the state of the art: global optimization given a set of dynamic jobs and travel demand, integration of real-time WSN information to detect incidences,affecting planned schedules and robustness of scheduling techniques, able to manage inherent uncertainties without a global replanning.
Current TRL TRL 4 (partial functionality)
Target TRL TRL 7