BB23.K Realiable Wireless PHY and MAC


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Title Reliable Wireless PHY and MAC
Page Title BB23.K Realiable Wireless PHY and MAC
Technology Line Security & Safety
Lead partner MGEP
Leader Egoitz Arruti
Contributors MGEP, INDRA, AIT
Related to Use Cases SCOTT:WP12, SCOTT:WP18, SCOTT:WP19, SCOTT:WP20
Description This building block will provide a reliable wireless physical layer to be used in the wireless sensor network. The reliable PHY will provide a fault tolerant wireless transmission between sensors and data concentrator. The data concentrator will receive the information from the application level using a Ethernet or a common interface. The concentrator will translate the information from a wired interface to the wireless sensor system. The reliable wireless system could be used to send critical control data to sensors and actuators replacing the wired system. The use of reliable wireless system to send or receive critical data replacing wired communications will increase the safety of the system, decreasing the complexity of a wired system. With this system, wireless sensors could be located in harsh environments. The BB is related with "safety" because the wireless PHY proposed in this BB will be used to send and receive critical control data from/to a sensor.
Main output The safe and secure coordination of multiple vehicles require dependable wireless communication link. Due to the vehicle mobility and large size of the vehicles, the radio propagation conditions is strongly varying leading to non-stationary propagation conditions.

A wireless measurement and geometry based real-time wireless-link modelling concept for connected autonomous vehicles in WP11. In WP20 this concept will be adapted for the geometries and communication system requirements for train V2I communication links. Based on the measures of the wireless link, the final output of the BB will be a new transmission scheme that will include modulation, codification and frequency allocation that allow a reliable wireless system. The BB will use as input TCP/IP data and it will be transformed to wireless reliable data stream. The data received from the sensors will be the data output in the same TCP/IP format. This BB will be used in WP19 and WP20.

BB category Interface
Baseline Nowadays, it is researching in wireless systems and their live reconfiguration based in software defined radio to avoid interferences. Research group has already implemented different algorithms to avoid interference using cognitive radio. The implementation of these algorithms using SDR will be the BB.
Current TRL TRL 2: Current research is in the mathematical and simulation stage. The results of the simulations are not representative yet. But the technology analized and simulated, is based on working but not mature technology, used in another applications. The technology must be adapted to this special environment and requirements.
Target TRL TRL 6: After adapting the analyzed technogly and solved the adaptation problems, the target of the BB is to have a demonstrator to validate it in a industrially relevant environment. The demonstrator will use specific SDR equipment that will allow partial integration with existing hardware and software, used in the validation scenario.