Initiativet IoTSec - Sikkerhet i Tingenes Internett (IoT) for Smarte Nett ble etablert i 2015 for å bidra til en sikre informasjonssamfunnet. Fokus er på utviklingen av tilpassede sikkerhetsløsninger for tingenes internett. Initiativet fikk støtte fra Norges Forskningsråd (NFR) for utviklingen av metoder, algoritmer og standarder relatert til sikkerhet, samt utviklingen av det Norske sikkerhetssenter for Smart Grid.
IoTSec addresses the basic needs for a reliable and efficient, uninterrupted power network with dynamic configuration and security properties. It addresses in addition the needs of businesses and end users of additional IoT services by exploring use cases for value-added services with the intent to design the building blocks for future services that consider the necessary security and privacy preconditions of successfully deployed large-scale services. IoTSec will apply the research in the envisaged Security Centre for Smart Grids, co-located with the Norwegian Centre of Excellence (NCE Smart).
Tel. møte i IoTSec:
Møte i IoTSec:
Forskningsarbeid og industriell fokus
IoTSec har fokus på semantiske systembeskrivelser, sikkerhetsmodellering og målbart sikkerhet og personvern. Arbeidet er beskrevet mer detaljert i arbeidspakkene WP1 - WP3:
WP0 Project management, Dissemination and Exploitation (UNIK)
- T0.1 Project management, Collaboration platform, supervision of PhD students
- T0.2 Dissemination, Scientific Papers, workshops, liaisons, industrial take-up
WP1 Semantic system, application, and attack description (Ifi)
- T1.1 Semantic description of infrastructure, attack detection, system view;
- T1.2 Measurable: security, privacy and dependability, metrics
WP2 Development of security models and modules for IoT systems (NR)
- T2.1 Development of privacy-aware models and measures
- T2.2 Adopting and enhancing adaptive security for system of systems
- T2.3 Formal technologies for semantic provability
WP3 System versus Goal analysis for measurable security (NTNU)
- T3.1 Multi-metrics applied for application-driven infrastructures
- T3.2 Human/technical interface, security usability
Forskningsresultatene kommer å bli anvendt i Sikkerhetssenteret for Smarte Nett, hvor hovedfokus er på operasjonell sikkerhet for sammfunskritiske infrastrukturer. Anvendelser er beskrevet i arbeidspakken WP4.
WP4 Operational security for IoT-based critical infrastructure (NCE Smart)
- T4.1 IoTSec ecosystem and industrial applicability
- T4.2 Smart Grid security centre applicability, assessment, simulation and pilots
- T4.3 Gap Analysis of security methods for critical infrastructures
Initiativet IoTSec forsker på sikkerhet i tingenes internett (IoT)
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