BB23.G PHY layer security
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PHY layer security
Page Title
BB23.G PHY layer security
Technology Line
Security & Safety
Lead partner
Andreas Springer
Related to Use Cases
Compared to classical approaches like cryptography, physical layer security is a fundamentally different paradigm, where secrecy is achieved by exploiting the physical layer (PHY) properties of the communication system, such as the nature of fading channels, thermal noise, or interference. While from information theory basic concepts for PHY layer security are already available, their applicability to WNS based on commercial available hardware with all the requirements from specific industrial applications needs to be investigated. Thus in this BB concepts for security checks at PHY level (e.g. RF fingerprinting or making use of node-specific RF impairments like carrier frequency offset) during operation of a WSN, e.g. in a automotive test environment, will be evaluated.
Main output
Main output wil be a conceptual study about the applicability of PHY layer security methods in industrial WSN using commercially available hardware. If a suitable PHY layer method can be found, it will be implemented in the WSN demonstrator for automotive test-beds
BB category
From the predecessor project DEWI a WSN demonstrator for automotive test-beds is available. The conceptual study on PHY layer security will be based on the features but also the limitations of this demonstrator as well as on the requirements of its application in an automotive test-bed.
Current TRL
TRL 2 (Currently theoretical PHY layer security concepts exist with only a few demonstration results for very specific settings, which are not applicable to the WSN demonstrator for automotive test-beds. So while the test-bed itself has already a TRL of 5-6 the PHY layer security itself has to be considered at TRL 2)
Target TRL
TRL 6 (If a suitable PHY layer method can be found, it can be implemented in the test-bed thus achieveing TRL 6)