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Welcome to the Semantic Media Wiki of the University Graduate Centre at Kjeller (UNIK) and the Center for Wireless Innovation Norway (CWI Norway)
The Center for Wireless Innovation (CWI) is a facilitator for industry and seven research institutions to form a strategic partnerships in wireless R&D.

The CWI was formed to easy access for industry to a wide range of competencies & researchers. The center provides the possibility to execute complex projects integrating multiple technology areas. The center offers researchers the ability to participate in large projects with cross-disciplinary requirements. The center provides synergy effects & efficiency gains in research, education & administration.

About us


Application Areas of Research

The Center for Wireless Innovation (CWI) was founded by

We provide to industry

  • Better R&D results.
  • A magnitude larger knowledge network.
  • Superior recruitment opportunities.

We provide researchers

  • Better industry relations.
  • More exciting research projects.
  • Greater visibility in Norway & Europe.
  • Cost savings.

For further information on CWI, please visit

CWI offers courses through their respective partners.

TEK4100Digital Communications
TEK4120Mobile Communications
TEK4500Introduction to Cryptography
TEK5020Pattern Recognition
TEK5050Imaging and detection of optical and infrared radiation
TEK5100Mobility in the Internet and ad-hoc Networks
TEK5110Building and Controlling Communication Networks using IoT-devicesJosef Noll
Maghsoud Morshedi
TEK5120Service-oriented Architecture Implementation
TEK5130Satellite CommunicationsLars Bråten
TEK5140Antennas and radiowave propagationTerje Tjelta
TEK5150Radar - system and signal processing
TEK5160Radar-based remote sensing
TEK5500Security in Distributed Systems
TEK5510Security in operation systems and software
TEK5520Information Security in industrial Sensor and Mobile SystemsMohammad Mushfiqur Rahman Chowdhury
TEK5530Measurable Security for the Internet of ThingsJosef Noll
TEK5600Visualisation of scientific data
TEK9110Selected Topics in Building Mobile and Wireless NetworksJosef Noll
TEK9520Selected topics in Information Security in Industrial Sensor- and Mobile Systems
TEK9530Measurable Security for the Internet of ThingsGyörgy Kálmán
UNIK4190Information theory and error control
UNIK4200Multicasting, routeing and service quality
UNIK4430Atomklokker, Satellittnavigasjonssystemer og Synkronisering
UNIK4710Context-aware and Mobile Service DeliveryJosef Noll
UNIK9710Selected Topics in Mobile Service Delivery

Please find examples of study plans for Wireless Networks and Security (WNaS)

Study plans for a focus on Information Security

Examples - short thesis

The following study plan is an example of a focus on Security in Mobile Systems with a short master thesis. If you prefer to follow other courses, feel free to exchange some of the courses.

Example of a studyplan with a short thesis for a focus on Security in mobile systems
4. semester Master thesis
3. semester UNIK4740
Security, Sensors
Context, Mobile
Multicast, QoS
2. semester UNIK4250
Security, Distributed Systems
Mobile Communications
Information theory
1. semester UNIK4270
Security, Operating systems
Digital Communications
10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits

Example of a studyplan with courses from Ifi & UNIK
4. semester Master thesis
3. semester INF5750
Open Source SW
Master thesis
2. semester electable electable Master Thesis
1. semester UNIK4270
Security, Operating systems
Mobile Information
10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits

See more examples in Studyplan:Security

Study plans for a focus on Wireless Networks

The following example shows a study plans for a focus on radio technologies, assuming a long master thesis.

Example of a studyplan with a long thesis for a focus on Radio Technologies
4. semester Master thesis
3. semester Master thesis
2. semester UNIK4150
Antennas, Propagation
Mobile Communications
Mobile, Context-aware
1. semester UNIK4700
Radio, Mobility
Satellite Communications
Security, Sensor
10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits

The following example shows a study plans for a focus on network technologies, assuming a long master thesis.

Example of a studyplan with a long thesis for a focus on Network Technologies
4. semester Master thesis
3. semester Master thesis
2. semester UNIK4190
Information theory
Mobile Communications
Mobility, Internet
1. semester UNIK4200
Multicasting, Service Quality
Satellite Communications
Digital Communications
10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits

More examples are provided in study plans with focus on radio communications and study plans with focus on network aspects.

Open Thesis

A list of open theses is found at OpenThesis on this wiki

Ongoing Theses

Advanced customer involvement through energy tariffsMuayad RashdanJosef Noll
Digital Twin for Building-oriented Energy SystemHenrik StangelandJosef Noll
Energy Communities - paving the way for a participatory green transitionIngebrigt HårstadJosef Noll
Integrated view on evolution of buildings to contribute to the green transitionAhsan BashirJosef Noll
MasterThesis av VetleVetle MarkussenJosef Noll
Solar Energy System for effective learning, teaching and job opportunitiesIngvild OftedalJosef Noll

Please add action items through Special:FormEdit/Thesis

Finished Theses

Improving the grid through decentralised production and controlEirik Fagerbakke7 June 2024
Green Island possibilities with PV integration and energy storageAlexander Haddad23 May 2024
Grid monitoring, control and stability in the transition period to renewable energyHalvor Isachsen18 December 2023
Decentralised Energy Systems for Africa in times of Climate ChangePhilip Aarvik Rudningen18 December 2023
Empower the uptake of renewable energy in AfricaShahir Tahir
Jonathan Muringani
29 May 2023
Energy Sharing in Multi-Residential HouseholdsMartin Samset24 May 2023
Battery-supported charging infrastructure for energy distribution gridsKasper Strindberg5 June 2022
Measurable Security for Sensor Communication in the Internet of ThingsSarah Tariq1 June 2022
Master:Nettverksteknologi og SikkerhetAnders Gaustad2 May 2020
Smart Farming for Developing EconomiesStephen Kimogol1 November 2019
Assessment of Measurable Privacy for IoT Consumer ProductsChristoffer Ramsvig Thambirajah5 May 2019
Master:Network and network securityFredrik Kvist2 May 2019
Ideal Listening Reduction Mechanisms for overprovisioned Cells in 6TiSCHMathias Utgård2 May 2019
UAV-Vessel Coordination Prototype Development and TestJoakim Amundsen1 May 2019
The effect of digitisation in the construction industry, applied to a specific caseKamalan Rashasingham17 December 2018
Analysis and Standards for the Information-InternetVlorjan Badallaj5 November 2018
Integrating Energy Devices through BasicInternetSyead Nusrat Nur5 August 2018
Achieving Business Objectives through Smart Sensor Integration for Office BuildingsDmitry Filosofov1 August 2018
Innovation for All Based on Free Information AccessWisam Ahmed Mansour13 June 2018
Security challenges of open low-capacity wifi accessNaji Ahmed Kadah2 May 2018
Node energy consumption variations with WirelessHART and RPL in a Wireless Sensor NetworkSimon Vedel Johansen1 May 2018
Risk-based Adaptive Security for Internet of Things in Smart HomeMattias Gebrie1 October 2017
Multi Metrics Based FrameworkRaul Khaydarshin13 June 2017
Semantic Description of IoT Security for Smart GridGetinet Ayele Eshete1 June 2017
Pervasive computing in smart electricity gridKaniz Fatema Tuly15 September 2016
Ant Colonization Optimisation Algorithm for knowledge-based LearningRobin Garen Aaberg1 August 2016
Robot-assisted therapy for rehabilitation treatmentBjørn Olufsen
Tormod Vaular
10 June 2016
Multi-level security on mobile devicesBjørn Hartviksen-Oksholen5 June 2016
Software defined networking using OpenFlowJoachim Tingvold3 June 2016
Analysis of Data Structures on the Ethereum Blockchain2 May 2016
Evaluation of the usability of low-cost sensors for public air quality informationRozina Dongol1 December 2015
Air quality recommender system for commutingEivind Engesæter1 August 2015
Software Defined Networking for tactical communicationsGeir Roar Bakken2 May 2015
Self Organizing Networks (SON)Animut D. Tsegaye12 January 2015
Simulering Av WirelessHart i OMNeT++Espen Nilsen31 May 2014
Efficient SOAP messaging for AndroidDag Ove Eggum2 May 2014
Study and analysis of robust transport layer protocolsThomas Aasebø1 May 2014
Smartphone supported Activity Level EstimationSerhat Sama1 February 2014
Simulation of subsea communication networksHåvard Austad5 January 2014
CPM modem for broadband satellite communicationKjetil Frigstad1 June 2013
Routing in wireless sensor networksJan Egil Vestbø31 May 2013
A Semantic Approach for context-aware Authorization in Enterprise SystemsHans Martin Sydskogen Folkeseth12 May 2013
Video over thin and varying pipesMagnus Lervåg1 May 2013
Sensor Networks for Industrial applicationsBjørn Marthinsen30 May 2012
End-to-end QoS in a mobile ad-hoc network including satellite linksEspen Flydahl30 May 2012
Efficient data collection using Android ADK in a high velocity mobile environmentGard.Sandholt15 May 2012
Implementing RPL in a mobile and fixed wireless sensor networkSimen Hammerseth30 November 2011
Simulating LTE indoor coverage and capacity (2)Muhammad Bilal Ahmad20 June 2011
TV receiver registration to utilize unused frequenciesHemdan Bezabih31 May 2011
Simulating LTE indoor coverage and capacityAyaz Khan Afridi20 April 2011
... further results

Additonal information

  • Here you find information on how to write a thesis, elements of the TOC and more... Thesis-Information

CWI is a.o. involved in the following projects

Ongoing projects:
 Titleled by:supported by:
DESSIDistributed Energy System and Security InfrastructureJosef NollUiO
SESASmart Energy Solutions for AfricaGiorgia RambelliEU commission
PriTEMPrivacy preserving Transactive Energy Management (PriTEM)Sabita MaharjanUiO:Energy
NURTURENurturing SDGs through Capacity Building of Higher Education in EthiopiaShegaw A. MengisteNORHED II
Mum-CareMum's Cardiovascular Health for LifeAnnetine StaffHelse Sør-Øst
Basic InternetBasic Internet, "Connect The Future"Josef NollOwn


UNIK has the focus on applied research, as most of our researchers have spent some time in industry. We have a close collaboration to the Research Institutes at Kjeller, like FFI, Ife, and NILU, as well as to the start-ups at Kjeller Innovasjon.

UNIK is and has been involved in the following projects

Ongoing projects:
 Titleled by:supported by:
DESSIDistributed Energy System and Security InfrastructureJosef NollUiO
SESASmart Energy Solutions for AfricaGiorgia RambelliEU commission
PriTEMPrivacy preserving Transactive Energy Management (PriTEM)Sabita MaharjanUiO:Energy
NURTURENurturing SDGs through Capacity Building of Higher Education in EthiopiaShegaw A. MengisteNORHED II
Mum-CareMum's Cardiovascular Health for LifeAnnetine StaffHelse Sør-Øst
Basic InternetBasic Internet, "Connect The Future"Josef NollOwn
Finished projects:
 Titleled by:supported by:
PSHIELDpilot Security Architecture for embedded systemsJosef NollNFR
JU Artemis
UAV-SME benefitUAV, research for the benefit of SMEJosef Noll
ConnectedLifeDevelopment of the Research Group ConnectedLife at UNIKJosef NollITS
Creative KnowledgeSensors, Dashboard for Creative SocietyHalvor KalveNFR
Wiki/Maintenance and SecurityMaintenance and securityJosé Moreno RetameroITS
Moodle ManualMoodle Manual for e-learningSusana Rodriguez de NovoaITS
ITS-WikiCSS style sheets for wikiJosef NollITS
FreeSecEDUBuilding the security-aware society based on free Web access to security coursesJosef NollITS
MinMatMinMat - Research on breakfast habbitsMone Eli SælandOsloMet
Basic Internet accessFree access to information on the InternetJosef NollITS
Wiki update 2014Update the Wiki, Property fix and new design elementsJosef NollITS
Wireless Handover SimulationsSimulations of handover in wireless communicationsSusana Rodriguez de NovoaITS
NSHIELDnew SHIELD proving the methodology for measuring security of embedded systemsCecilia CoveriNFR
JU Artemis
Civil-UAVUsing embedded systems to safely monitor the environmentErol CagatayOwn
Internet-of-Things.noValue network: Internet of ThingsOvidiu VermesanNFR
SATKa-band Radio Characterisation for Satcom Services in Arctic and High Latitude RegionsTerje TjeltaESA
Satellite availabilityPrediksjon av forventet satellitt-tilgjengelighetKnut GrytheNorsk Romsenter
Citi-Sense-MOBCollaborate - Communicate - Share environmental dataReidun GangdalEU commission
CitiSenseCiti-SenseAlena BartonovaEU commission
Wiki update 2016Wiki as Project and Cooperative Knowledge ToolJosef NollITS
Connected DronesConnected Drones for Electricity Network MaintenanceTore LieIndustry 4.0
DiversIoTDiversIoT - Diversification for Resilient and Trustworthy IoT-systemsArnor Solberg
SenSecPhDSensor Security for the Internet of People, Things and ServicesSeraj FayyadNFR
GravidPlussHealth App for Diabetes in PregnancyMirjam LukasseNFR
DiversIoT FactpageDiversIoTChristian JohansenNFR
... further results

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